Everyone with an interest in coaching and with intermediate-level skills is welcome to join the workshop. The official minimum age for training is 16 but younger coaches are welcome to participate.

On Friday evening session will have covered the more theoretical steps in the workshop schedule. On this Saturday session we will develop and then execute training plans at a nearby park. Participants will play the roles of coaches and athletes.

The cost for the workshop will be $20 per person to cover the printing and equipment rental expenses. Depending on the number of participants, the workshop will be held at my home at 50 Lynhurst Ave. near Vincent Massey Park. If we get a really big turnout I will look at renting a classroom in the area.

The workshop can be delivered in 3 distinct modules. If the above dates really don’t work for you, than suggest another time and maybe we can deliver (for example) the evening modules on two separate dates.

For more information you can write Bill Anderson at: coaching at ottawaoc dot ca

See further information at ottawaoc.ca/index.php/events/orienteering-clinics



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