Map: Constance Bay

The forest for this Sunday's event is flat and fast which makes for super enjoyable orienteering in really nice woods.  There are lots of controls out in the forest so please make sure to check your control codes carefully.  There will be the usual four courses offered:

  • Novice 2.1 km on trails
  • Intermediate 4.3 km
  • Short Advanced 4.6 km
  • Long Advanced. 7.6 km

While it shouldn't be out yet, later in the season Torbolton Forest in Constance Bay is covered in poison ivy.  You should not need to worry about it this early in the season but if you know you react strongly to poison ivy it would be a good idea to wash your self and your clothes quickly after the race.  

Meet Director: Tommy Ivarsson;  Vetter: John Moffat

Directions:  Take March Road north of Kanata, then right on Dunrobin Road to a right onConstance Bay road, left onto Albirch, left at the T junction then the second right onto Bayview Dr., and a final right onto Len Purcell Dr.  That will take you to the community Centre in the middle of a wooded area with a good trail system.

Get Off the Trail!: Intermediate Orienteering Technique Program

Route Choice and Navigation

Get Off the Trail! program members will meet at 10am for a pre-run briefing, to discuss route choice. Each of us will run/walk their own course. Jennie will be available after for informal, individual debriefing. 



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