Organizers: Jeff Teutsch (Coach), Stefan Bergstrom (Coach)

Map: Wesley Clover Parks - Corkstown Rd


Pre-registration is required and costs $15 per session or is $80 for the 8 weeks of fall practices (but pre-registration is still required). In order to guarantee that you get a freshly printed map please register by noon on Thursday. We will do our best to accommodate those that register Thursday afternoon by sharing maps.

Register now

Purchase a Fall practice pass - This link will only worked for logged in club members that have signed the waiver this year. If you're having trouble make sure you are logged in and try signing the waiver.

All participants must fill out a health declaration on Thursday before the practice.

Parking and meeting point:

We will meet at Greenbelt Parking lot P3 on Corkstown Rd for a 6:30 start. See google maps here.

Practice details:

The focus this week is on careful, detailed map reading.

For the intermediate group this will involve going out with a instructor and examining the detail around the outside of the map. There will be many controls to visit along the way.

The advanced group will have a roughly 5km out and back 'control-picking' exercise along the detailed slope that wraps around the Wesley Clover campground. The way the courses is designed you can turn around at any point to get a course that's the right length for you.

Train to Train athletes will get some direction from coach Jeff and will split into groups doing either the intermediate group or the advanced group.

You will want to have a headlamp with you this week as it will be getting dark around 7:00, and about half an hour earlier in the woods. We recommend a headlamp with a rating of at least 500 lumens and more is better. If you have any questions about headlamps just ask (

All participants should also bring a compass (we will have a few extras if you don't have one) and, optionally, a control description holder.



Photos are from Flickr. To add your photos to this section, tag your Flickr photos with: whyjustrun4519 (all one word)