Organizers: Jeff Teutsch (Coach), Stefan Bergstrom (Coach)

Map: Ruisseau de la Brasserie


Pre-registration is required and costs $15 per session or is $80 for the 8 weeks of fall practices (but pre-registration is still required). In order to guarantee that you get a freshly printed map please register by noon on Thursday. We will do our best to accommodate those that register Thursday afternoon by sharing maps.

Register now

Purchase a Fall practice pass - This link will only worked for logged in club members that have signed the waiver this year. If you're having trouble make sure you are logged in and try signing the waiver.

All participants must fill out a health declaration on Thursday before the practice.

Parking and meeting point:

We will meet in the UQO soccer field parking lot off Blvd Alexandre-Taché. See google maps here. There is tons of parking or you can be green and use public transit or take a bike :)

Practice details:

This week we are again on a sprint map. Actually, two sprint maps.

For the intermediate group we will do a map walk around the UQO campus and some of the NCC woods along the river.

For the advanced group are putting a fun twist on sprint training with a partner exercise in which participants get to challenge each other to race some short sprint loops. Here are the rules:

  1. Whoever does the challenging gets to pick the loop.
  2. The person (or people) that was challenged then respond with how much of a headstart (or lag) they get with the goal of finishing the course at the same time as the challenger.
  3. Based on the time give by the person that was challenged the challenger gets to pick which direction each person does the loop in.

Train to Train athletes will get additional direction from coach Jeff but will be doing the same basic exercise.

There will be pin flags out for controls. All participants should also bring a compass (we will have a few extras if you don't have one) and, optionally, a control description holder.



Photos are from Flickr. To add your photos to this section, tag your Flickr photos with: whyjustrun4523 (all one word)