Organizer: Jeff Teutsch (Coach)

Map: March Highlands

Focus: Map reading and planning your navigation

Meeting point: We will be meeting at the trailhead across from Brady Ave on Old Second Line Rd (NOT at Klondike where the club usually meets for events and training!). This is so we are closer to the more interesting terrain.

There are two options for training:

  1. A technically challenging course with short legs with the goal of reading every little map detail along the way (to learn how everything matches up).
  2. A map walk with a coach (Jeff) using the same controls as above. We will discuss how to read all the detail on the map and which features to look for, and how to use the relationships between features.



Photos are from Flickr. To add your photos to this section, tag your Flickr photos with: whyjustrun3091 (all one word)